
Welcome to build_breathitt! We are a strong and creative community! We build and we do it together. A big focus for us is on disaster preparedness and how we can start companies, make art, and create things that help the world prepare for disasters, but we don’t limit ourselves to just that, we are simply creators and having a blast building together in Breathitt. We are an effort locally launched by the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension and have started to collaborate with the chamber and library locally. We are starting to host all sorts of events and if you’re looking for a positive community focused on adding value and beauty to our community, then you are in the right spot! The build platform is something we found through a partnership with Innovation Collective and are using it to help connect our community members to one another around projects and skills. You’ll find below our events that you can register for and a form that will let you share more about yourself so we can help you get connected. Thanks for checking this out and we are looking forward to building a better Breathitt with you.

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